Where is God? Osho states what Kabir says about God in his book Ecstasy: The Language of Existence
Kabir says don't seek God anywhere else; he is just beside you. Don't look for him faraway. That will be the way - sure way - to miss him. He is very close by. In fact to say he is close is not right, because closeness also shows distance. He is just within you - he is you! You have never departed from him, you cannot depart from him; he is your nature. Right this movement he is inside you.
There are two possibilities. Either you are an iceberg, frozen, floating in the ocean, feeling that you are separate; or you can melt and become one with the ocean. That's all. When you think you are, you become frozen, blocked, you energy stops moving - you demark yourself, you create a definition for yourself. That very definition becomes your barrier.
O friend, where dost thou seek me?
Lo! I am beside thee.
I am neither in temple nor in mosque:
I am nether in Kaaba nor in Kailash.
So don't go away for long pilgrimages. God has already happened. You are carrying him from the very beginning; you have never lost track of him. You may have forgotten you may have become completely oblivious, you may not be able to Remember who you are, but still you are God.
Snippet from Ecstasy: The Language of Existence.
Where is God? God is everywhere and within you. Then why are we searching him in a particular place?
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