Where is God ? Osho states what Kabir says about God in his book Ecstasy: The Language of Existence . Kabir says don't seek God anywhere else; he is just beside you. Don't look for him faraway. That will be the way - sure way - to miss him. He is very close by. In fact to say he is close is not right, because closeness also shows distance. He is just within you - he is you! You have never departed from him, you cannot depart from him; he is your nature. Right this movement he is inside you. There are two possibilities. Either you are an iceberg, frozen, floating in the ocean, feeling that you are separate; or you can melt and become one with the ocean. That's all. When you think you are, you become frozen, blocked, you energy stops moving - you demark yourself, you create a definition for yourself. That very definition becomes your barrier. O friend, where dost thou seek me? Lo! I am beside thee. I am neither in temple nor in mosque: I am net...
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